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Forrest Gump

Film: Forrest Gump
Year: 1994
Time: 142min
Rating: 8.7/10

Who does not remember this movie?

Forrest Gump is a good movie for connoisseurs good. Tom Hanks shows one of the most important phases of his career, one that earned him two Oscars consecutive awards (1995 and 1994 by Forrest Gump in Philadelphia). Forrest Gump snatched six statuettes. It was a great success and made ​​history by depicting key moments in world history and American culture, taken as part of the life of the sympathetic character, merged own existential poetry of pure heart.

Forty years of U.S. history, seen through the eyes of Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), a guy with below average IQs that, by chance, can participate in crucial moments, such as the Vietnam War and Watergate.

The main character is not Forrest, but America, its paternalism exacerbated their ideology dominating barely disguised in patriotic heroism history. Forrest is all of us, with some sweetness, some others with rebellion or nonconformity. America, or rather that part of American territory known as the United States, born of the echoes of the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, under the light of reason, accepted both believe in their own greatness and importance to the point of wanting to turn each of us into Forrests Gumps, adorable creatures, peaceful and submissive in the service of his ideals and system.

Personal comment:

The film exaggerates at times to introduce ourselves Forrest Gump as the typical American hero. The passages of American history do not work very well for the public not to know. Therefore, "Forrest Gump" should be much better for the Americans and there, perhaps, the title "masterpiece" can be trusted. Around here, it's still "only" a great movie for a Portuguese like me. I'll stick with the score 8/10.