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City of God

Film: City of God
Year: 2002
Time: 130min
Rating: 8.7/10

It's a film that had no curiosity to see, but with so many critics and won some awards so I decided to see if it would be worth. It was adapted from a book.

The film is divided into parts usually come out a genuine disaster. But this is not the case. The story is divided into three stages and is extremely well told even though at different times. Could be a bit confusing but does not. Everything fits perfectly.
The characters are presented in due time and in a clear and objective.

This movie shows us what goes on inside a favela, we can feel the whole atmosphere that is around what makes a vision quite different and much more interesting and engaging. We can see what is happening with each resident and what happens to some of them, such as some that are good people and end up becoming criminals, or people who believe in honesties, or people who are born to kill, or to children who not starve sustain drug trafficking throughout the slum.

I will not tell the story or summarize it up because I think it's not worth it. "Seeing is believing!"

Personal comment:
Show the violent rhythm of a Brazilian favela, even going against the more intellectual who accuse the deification of mercantile violence, makes City of God go up and rub the public the reality is that in a country like Brazil. Would give 8/10 the movie.