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Pussy in Bots

Film: Pussy in BotsYear: 2011
Time: 90min
Rating: 6.7/10

It started long before Shrek Puss know. This striking and seductive Puss in Boots, becomes a hero to get away from an adventure with the terrible and mischievous Kitty Paw-Mansa Alexandre Humpty Dumpty and cunning to save the city where they lived. In all is not rosy, because our friend is ahead of rivals
height, that will do everything and anything to see the cat and his gang fail. However nothing is lost. With great determination and courage, our friends will be able to find a way to confront the villains,
make new allies and they all have a happy ending.

This is the true story of Cat, the Myth, the Legend ... and, of course, from Boots.

Despite having a low rating I think is an animated film that is worth seeing on a Saturday afternoon. Still gave a few laughs because of the movie.
advise ;)