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Iron Man

Film: Iron Man
Year: 2008
Time: 126min
Rating: 7.9/10

I must confess that I was never very comic. Nothing against it, but, except for the characters created by Mauricio de Souza, did not acquire the habit of reading these stories. As a result, had little knowledge of the superheroes of Marvel and DC to recent film adaptations. This also applies to the Iron Man character on which he knew, if anything, the costume.

For starters, they have an exceptional understanding of who is Tony Stark and his motivations, sifting through all its phases and drawing from it to the relevant plot of origin only what is most interesting and keeping other important moments for the inevitable (and desirable, of course!) continued. The billionaire defense industry is not a hero in the conventional sense of the word - was never (at least when working well). It acts as a hero seeking recognition, satiating the vanity, not altruism, as a Superman. The film hit that point on the fly.
On the other hand, Iron Man loses enough quality in his last thirty minutes. Until then, the film had not submitted any villain itself, preferring to make Stark use his invention to correct their mistakes.

Personal Comment:

As a final result, Iron Man is a good action movie and an interesting first step for the series - and the final sentence of Tony Stark already gives the perfect hook for the sequel. It has its host of problems, but the approach of Jon Favreau and talent and charisma of Robert Downey Jr. easily guarantees the recommendation. And of course, to hear the classic riff of Black Sabbath also does no harm.


Film: Thor
Year: 2011
Time: 115min
Rating: 7.0/10

The choice of Kenneth Branagh in the direction of the film, based on the character created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Larry Lieber, surprised many when it was announced. However, considering what was shown on the screen, could not be more right. The script is extremely Shakespearean, with a family dispute and the style of the old bard. The resulting mixture of this element, so familiar to the director, the formula for a blockbuster holiday could not have been happier.
In the story, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) was about to receive the supreme command of the kingdom of Asgard at the hands of his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins), when enemy forces broke a peace agreement. Willing to take revenge, the young warrior begins a conflict between people, disobeying the king, who outraged by the attitude of the child ends up taking his powers and expelled to Earth. There, he meets a scientist (Natalie Portman) who will help in the fight to recover the legendary and powerful hammer from the hands of government agents and can return to your home. Meanwhile, the jealous brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has an evil plan to prevent this from happening and he can take - definitely - the power of his father. With this conflict Shakespearean, it fell to the actor and director Kenneth Branagh, who is influenced by the English bard, this adventure ride away from their previous experiences, such as Hamlet.

Personal Comment:

If Thor deserves criticism, it is the speed with which events occur. It seems that everything happens in a few hours, which makes a very credible character's journey of redemption. Nevertheless, a film that has ice giant as good as such, should not be so undeserved. In fact, few people have talked about the performance of the actor Colm Feore, who plays LaFey, the king of the frost giants, but his performance is excellent. He drew the attention of the public in the miniseries Storm of the Century, based on a Stephen King work, but since then has done much good.

The Dark Knight

Film: The Dark Knight
Year: 2008
Time: 152min
Rating: 8.9/10

Batman - The Dark Knight, 2008 is not just a superhero movie. Despite the great action sequences and respect for the universe of the character, filmmaker Christopher Nolan took the best of the philosophy of human bat to draw a parallel with the decline of the advanced civilizations of the past, caused by widespread corruption of the system with the current process U.S. election.

Christopher Nolan has returned to develop an excellent job behind the camera. We toasted again by excellent action scenes that fill the film of adrenaline and emotion, the melee fights are well choreographed, and despite not being as physical as the first film, does not cease to amaze those who see them, also the multiple existing explosions throughout the movie brilliantly illuminates the darkness of Gotham. The chases and races are also an important part in the film, these are impressive as attractive vehicles for Batman, this new film the superhero debut a new "toy", the Bat-Cycle, a vehicle even more impressive than the famous Batmobile, however it is not only the beauty of aerodynamic vehicles superhero living motorized scenes of the film, they are also very well thought out and full of angles that capture all the tension and force. The most striking scene of action and thrilling movie is just a race where Batman has to race against time to save a life endangered by Joker, are moments of pure adrenaline and growing despair that will leave the viewer with his mouth open and is in scenes like these that can be seen Nolan's genius who managed to transform a simple race against time in one of the most fantastic film.

Personal Comment:

"The Dark Knight" more than a superhero movie is a movie heroes, is the ultimate reflection of what they symbolize, about the eternal struggle between order and chaos and the weakness of the established social order. Mankind has always needed heroes, real or fictitious. Super super or not.

12 Angry Men

Film: 12 Angry Men
Year: 1957
Time: 96min
Rating: 8.9/10

How can a person make a film that is all filmed in one room and never gets boring? Well, ask Sidney Lumet. This director, already showing maturity in his first film, made a classic, one of the most acclaimed films of all time, with a little room, twelve actors and a wonderful script.
12 Angry Men is an insightful critique of the man. A man goes to his words. Henry Fonda learned to use them in subtle and persuasive. It was he who knew how to go against the grain of the facts and give an opportunity for a debate on a crime that occurred. Because we all deserve to have the opportunity to question and not just pointing the finger. Evaluation is easy, but we forget that there is a person who is being evaluated and depends on a judgment.

The story is simple. A boy of 18 years, from a slum, is accused of stabbing his father in the chest leading to death of the latter. As a result the boy is subject to trial and due consideration by the jury. Eleven members are absolutely convinced that the boy is strictly guilty. But juror number eight has his doubts and does not let a guy go to the electric chair without stopping each member to make sure that the accused is really guilty. The clash of personalities, the arguments of each transfer and before the facts are central to understanding and unraveling of the case. And all is not as obvious as it seems. The facts wrong. And the willingness of each of the jurors as well.

"It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth. I don't really know what the truth is. I don't suppose anybody will ever really know. Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent, but we're just gambling on probabilities - we may be wrong. We may be trying to let a guilty man go free, I don't know. Nobody really can. But we have a reasonable doubt, and that's something that's very valuable in our system. No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's SURE. We nine can't understand how you three are still so sure. Maybe you can tell us. "

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Film: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Year: 1966
Time: 161min
Rating: 9.0/10

Film very ritualistic, based on a story written by the Sergio Leone and Luciano Vincenzoni, is guiding the search for a fortune in gold by three men, considerably different, but in our eyes, we are presented almost as supplementary figures . The film even begins to present ourselves - literally - these characters. On one side we have the inevitable cowboy Clint Eastwood and his unnamed "Blondie" - thus bringing back the role of "Good" in our history - and then have his almost quixotic Sancho, Eli Wallach as Tuco "the Ugly", and finally, the "Bad", ironically nicknamed "Angel Eyes", played by Lee Van Cleef, actor who would become so popular in Italy that would be present in ten Western Europeans. These are the central characters of the film, starring some of the most famous scenes in movie history and the irony that enhance the performance and ongoing argument Leone.
Decisive moment of the film will be the same one in which "Rhino" and "Blondie" are forced to walk together to achieve the gold that awaits them. Both will have to remain in territory controlled by Northern troops (They are from the south), in combat. Thus, the plane parallel to the war that follow will gradually be consigned to second place when confronted by the reality of cruelty, even in the eyes of a cowboy, and war. The human dimension seems to start being more important than gold. The emotional increases. However, another illusion is created. It is ultimately the human dimension increases, but is another example of irony and satire that lends the film Leone.

Personal Comment:

I've never seen this movie so I will not leave here my personal opinion. Later, if the view I have been editing this post.

The Shawshank Redemption

Film: The Shawshank Redemption
Year: 1994
Time: 142min
Rating: 9.3/10

"The Shawshank Redemption" is now considered, by many who saw him as one of the best films of all time. There is curious because, despite good reviews by the time of launch (1994) and the seven Oscar nominations, Shawshank had a very weak reception that could not even cover the cost of the film.
This film adaptation of a Stephen King novel of the same name, it is assumed as one of the most powerful dramas of the seventh art. The film lost the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1995 for another great production, "Forrest Gump", but as I always say, the films are not seen by the premiums they earn and this is the product of one of the best times of Hollywood (92 -98).

The film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who was unjustly sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and their lover, a sentence to be served in Shawshank Prison in 1947. Quiet and mysterious, Andy attracts the attention of many prisoners as Ellis Boyd Redding (Red) who eventually becomes his friend over time.

Personal Comment:

Increasingly we see films try to be sources of inspiration and strong messages and pass valerosas. Shawshank had no excessive ambition, and did it like no other. This is because stirs something inside me, a necessity that accompanies us throughout life, a need to live with hope and know that somewhere out there, is there anyone who can make us believe it's possible.


Film: Changeling
Year: 2008
Time:  141min
Rating: 7.9/10

This film, absolutely brilliant and superbly played by Angelina Jolie, tells the true story of a single mother of 20 years, which despite only having the child in life, you lose. Fate could not have been more unfair when one Saturday afternoon in which he had promised his son to go to the movies, receives a call and has to go to work. When he returns home, this parent is no longer her son, Walter. Then began a dispute between a mother desperate to know what happened to the missing son and the police trying to discredit it publicly.

The film is excellent, the critical fact have done justice to the beauty and fidelity to time, wardrobe, good taste in music and casting, only compliments. Up to praise some humor achieved in the final part, that "Silent Night" sung by someone about to be hanged is simply hilarious, despite the seriousness of the topic.

One thing that really intrigued me was the character who plays Jason Butler Harner (Gordon Stewart), a serial killer who abducted children to kill ... then Kidnapping children just to kill them later? Until we heard from a friend that this serial killer of children sexually abused and then killed them, then the mystery was solved, however this information is not explicit in the film as well.

Changeling is a film extremely well done, with excellent production values ​​that would not work if the cast was chosen not to height or reconstitution of the time (1928) was not as well made as it was.

The Lucky One

Film: The Lucky Onde
Year: 2012
Time: 101min
Rating: 6.1/10

Nicholas Sparks is already public figure known both for its best-sellers, which always top the bestseller lists worldwide, and the film adaptations. The profile of comical characters and the difficulties surrounding the protagonist couple follow a similar pattern from the first adaptation.
The reason is simple: a set formula of the genre, as well as with some teen films, the viewer is tired abusing both more demanding and some platitudes that the situations presented are no longer credible. Neither arouse empathy, or make us want to cry, etc, etc, etc..

The interest of the other plot is introduced there in Iraq in a photograph lying unclaimed, with only one message and stamping a beautiful girl. This finding serves as a good luck charm, at least that's what Logan gives, therefore, immediately after saving the image, survived things that would not think can survive. Also those who believe in a toast with a divine image, the Marine credits the entire image pledging his faith after being dismissed, finding the woman who brought him much luck. The screenplay by Will Fetters working on this plan by giving the characters some personality caricatures of Sparks. Mere effort without rewards.

Personal Comment:

Fleeting, but without great pretensions, this is another long-passenger, another opportunity to fill the pockets of the writer and win the hearts of their fans. Do not even come close to something like The Notebook 2007.

The Amazing Spider-Man

Film: The Amazing Spider-Man
Year: 2012
Time: 136min
Rating: 7.6/10

Completely ignoring the trio of Sam Raimi (2002 -2007), witnessing a new beginning of Spiderman, this time on the skin of the actor Andrew Garfield and directed by Marc Webb.
"The Amazing Spider-Man" has been criticized even before its final debut in theaters, which is obviously a big mistake. Interviews with director and cast, spoilers or trailers are not sufficient to analyze a film production, which made the movie Marc Webb be erroneously underestimated. Like any long and, above all, like any adaptation, the film has its basic mistakes, which are relatively small when one looks at the reaction of people who leave the theater.
In this version, Peter Parker (Garfield) is still one high school nerd who is not well regarded by the popular, feel a strong attraction for the beautiful Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) who did not take long to notice the presence of the young. As a child, Peter had been abandoned by their parents and the reason it had never been explained and has since lived with his uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) and May (Sally Field). Behold, one day he finds some object of his father and goes through them to check their past and following clues discovered an old friend, scientist Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) and through it tries to find out more about his father, and it gets involved in his research, a long study of mixing genes of different animals.

Personal Comment:

The special effects are good, although the composition of the villain at times seem a little bizarre, but in general, please. The 3D does its part, makes a difference in certain scenes. A film that recreates the mood and the characters played by great actors, the plot tries to focus more on the story of Peter rather than the villain, but ultimately fails in this regard, because the script can not create anything as interesting. Incidentally, the script is pretty obvious, does not go beyond the paths already traveled by other films and is almost impossible not to compare it to the original, which in my view, not the beats. A film, somewhat pretentious, you want to be better than the first, but fails.

Snow White and the Huntsman

Film: Snow White and the Huntsman
Year: 2012
Time: 127min
Rating: 6.6/10

The tale is already more than known. It frightened the princess, naive, innocent and very beautiful it is wronged by a wicked witch. With an escape valve that separates them during the story, the princess lives his life quietly while the witch tries to bewitch her anyway. Until the two finally meet the princess is put into a tragic situation, only to be undone by the action of a prince who, besides getting the love and health of the princess, defeat the terrible witch.

The story shows well-known Snow White (Kristen Stewart), a young princess trapped in the castle by Ravenna (Charlize Theron), the wicked stepmother, after the same murdering his father and assume the throne alone. Years go by, the kingdom decays and retains his position as Queen most beautiful - sucking the youth and beauty of the peasant - until the day you receive the news of her magic mirror that her stepdaughter is indeed the most beautiful of the kingdom and the beauty of the girl could be his undoing. But before she can do something, Snow White escapes from his prison and hides in the dreaded Black Forest, where no risk venture. To find it, the hunter Eric (Chris Hemsworth) is called. Widowed and suicidal he accepts the task of hunting the princess and bring her heart. That's where the story changes: instead of delivering the heart of a deer to the queen, he helps the princess escape into a realm where a close friend of the late king's army could help her take the throne.

Personal Comment:

Although it is not really graphic in its violence, Snow White and the Hunter has some impact images, powered by the interpretation of its cast. Charlize Theron, Queen Ravenna, delivery with intensity to the role, bringing the aura of malignancy of the character, who also won here last a well-developed. Kristen Stewart, Snow White, Princess warrant to force a non-existent in any other movie based on history, quality of leadership, strength, but without losing their femininity or become a superhero.

Cast: Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth, Sam Clafin, Sam Spruell, Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Eddie Marsan, Toby Jones, Brian Gleeson, Johnny Harris, Noah Huntley

The Godfather

Film: The Godfather
Year: 1972
Time: 175min
Rating: 9.2/10

A realistic and shocking picture of how the mob acted in 40 years. A masterpiece of incalculable value.
In it, follow the story of Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), a mafia boss in New York who finds himself surrounded by intrigues and problems as "new times" appear to organized crime. After an assassination attempt against him, his sons, Sonny (James Caan) and Michael (Pacino), are forced to assume the thankless position of the father. Meanwhile, the five Mafia families are torn place in the streets.
In the opening scenes of the counterpoints between business meetings and wedding party, Gordon Willis, cinematographer, continues to demonstrate vision deft at various times. And Tom Hagen, played by Robert Duvall, is a major benefit.
In the other names of the cast, especially a Diane Keaton lost in a world of filth, money and blood. She plays Kay Adams, the wife of Michael, who ends up in this world who hates her husband for love in a relationship that will be thoroughly discussed throughout the trilogy.

Personal Comment:

Violent and realistic, is a perfect picture of how the Mafia could be good and cruel at the same time. Full of meaning, deaths and serious characters, it is absolutely impossible to take my eyes off the screen for even a second. They can not be confused with anything personal business, but who's gain in this whole mess we, the public. And we need not kill anyone for it.

Shichinin no samurai

Film: Seven Samurai (original title - Shichinin no samurai)
Year: 1954
Time: 207min
Rating: 8.8/10

We learn to see the samurai as a Japanese version of the knights, as warriors obsessed with honor, by perfecting their skills and imbued with high ideals. Like the knights, the samurai had their time until their world began to crumble. Well, the seven samurai of the film have all these features, but they are also human beings with feelings and history and face the misery in a time of terrible trials.
Seven Samurai is a film about extreme poverty and noble warriors despised.

Personal Comment:

As Eastern culture is interesting ... do not feel that we in the West should we have more contact with the film that comes across the world? Costumes and exotic dances in our eyes, the east has always fascinated me, a man in 1954 named Akira Kurasawa film has become enchanted with him, a director who influenced legends like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola or Martin Scorsese, showed the brightness of the east and made his film clash with ocidental.Resultado movie? "the Seven Samurai. "a film that it stays in your head for years, fills your eyes and wonder if they will not also take away your heart.

Best Movies Ever Made

Here is the best movies ever made ​​in hollywood. I personally do not agree with some, especially the first one but I do not know on what basis have created this list. Anyway, there are some on the list I have ever posted here and there will be others who will probably by. It is only here a taste....

Schindler's List

Film: Schindler's List
Year: 1993
Time: 198min
Rating: 8.9/10

Had not posted and old movie but here goes...
Although 1993 is in 7th position (IMDB) for some reason.
Schindler's List is one of the most important films on the subject not only the Holocaust but also of history.
The story (real) round about the German Oskar Schindler, who saw in manpower Jewish cheap and viable solution to capitalize on business during the war. With its strong influence within the Nazi party, was easy to get the permits and open a factory. What might seem an attitude of a man not very kind became one of the greatest love affairs of history to life, when this German abdicated his entire fortune to save the lives of over a thousand Jews, in full combat exterminate them.

Personal Comment:

The best movie drama that portrays the history of the Nazi Holocaust and Jewish suffering in World War II. Shows us how big and evil and prejudice lived and created by human being. The film is a combination of good performances, a production and an enviable story based on real stories that scare the individual show what humans can do.

Shutter Island

Film: Shutter Island
Year: 2010
Time: 138min
Rating: 8.0/10

Here is another great movie!

Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are sent to the Psychiatric Hospital in Ashecliffe Shutter Island, a known psychiatric institution where they are admitted to the most vicious criminals in the country, in order to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Rachel Soloing , an unstable and dangerous killer who managed to escape this mental institution without leaving any kind of trace, except for a small message indecipherable.
  Even though 'Shutter Island' one of the more mainstream films that Scorsese made​​, the story unfolds turns out to contradict this idea, making it an ultra-complex film that questions the main character, played by Leonardo Di Caprio a copy, go for the viewer, inviting you into a world of madness where nothing is what it seems.

Personal Comment:

The suspense that is created and developed "Shutter Island" is not a passenger and follows the story until its last moment, a feature that is worthy of the best productions of its kind because that is precisely what is required of a thriller. "Shutter Island" is not perfect but it does not coincide with that spectacular in Martin Scorsese's filmography.

Dear John

Film: Dear John
Year: 2010
Time: 108min
Rating: 6.0/10

John Tyree (Channing Tatum) is a soldier on leave and visiting his hometown. Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried) is a student going there after the summer holidays an unforgettable meeting and two weeks of complete surrender, born between the two a deep love to try for years, resisting the absence and loneliness that assumes away.
They begin a relationship, just that John just need to return to work. Within a year he will finish his military service, when they can finally be together. During this period they exchange several letters, where each one tells what happens to you every day.
But one day, these letters do not appear ... Watch the movie to know what really happened to true love and painful. :)

Personal Comment:

The return of the literary works of Nicholas Sparks to cinemas was not qualitatively useful but impressive business results that "Dear John" reached again failed to prove that the work of this writer is a veritable gold mine for studios that use it.

Black Swan

Film: Black Swan
Year: 2010
Time: 108min
Rating: 8.2/10

Those who think that "Black Swan" is just a movie spoiled for girls ballet can immediately start taking the idea of the head. For we are in the presence of one of the most disturbing films, intense and even shocking film of the entire season.
The story allows us to follow the artistic life of Nina Sayers (overwhelming and stunning Natalie Portman). Nina is a dancer full of talent and obsessed with absolute perfection. Technically, there is no ballet dancer body to which it belongs which reaches the heels. Each movement of their dance steps is performed with panache and absolute accuracy. However, the rigidity and frigidity which mark his personality affect it greatly, because it does not allow you to release the true emotions on stage flashing.

Personal Comment:

As if touched by the young dancer who, unlike other dramas, gets what he seeks? His achievement is his undoing. It is the dog that finally bit its own tail or the tire in the vehicle chase. "And now what do I do with it?" Ask the Joker. Nina chose the pursuit of absolute perfection allowing fiction to take care of your life. Its outcome is great and, as mentioned, apotheotic. Perfect for your own words. And so it could be Black Swan - perfect - but the key is in the main speech of Cassel: "technical perfection need not overcome the emotion," or something.


Film: Inception
Year: 2010
Time: 148min
Rating: 8.8/10

This movie could not fail to be in this blog :)

"Inception" is one of those movies that remind us why we like movies.
The film part of a great premise: discover secrets by entering into the subconscious of people in their sleep. The point is that to access the mind of another, the "extractor" must also be within the sleep and dream of the person. But are they who build this dream, they know its intricacies, the details of access, the victim only populates with their projections of reality, with familiar elements. The idea is that the person does not notice that you are sleeping and to reveal its secrets, as the subconscious, in principle, does not raise barriers to the mind awake, is more helpless.
It is a mental movie but linear and full of heart.

Personal Comment:

The cast was great. There is no great prominence, which shows that everyone is uniformly good and regular. The picture fills our eyes, the effects would have us believe that what we see is real. It is the proper use of the technique to tell a good story.

The end ... Well the open ending makes the movie does not end when the lights are lit film.

Pussy in Bots

Film: Pussy in BotsYear: 2011
Time: 90min
Rating: 6.7/10

It started long before Shrek Puss know. This striking and seductive Puss in Boots, becomes a hero to get away from an adventure with the terrible and mischievous Kitty Paw-Mansa Alexandre Humpty Dumpty and cunning to save the city where they lived. In all is not rosy, because our friend is ahead of rivals
height, that will do everything and anything to see the cat and his gang fail. However nothing is lost. With great determination and courage, our friends will be able to find a way to confront the villains,
make new allies and they all have a happy ending.

This is the true story of Cat, the Myth, the Legend ... and, of course, from Boots.

Despite having a low rating I think is an animated film that is worth seeing on a Saturday afternoon. Still gave a few laughs because of the movie.
advise ;)


Film: Avatar
Year: 2009
Time: 162min
Rating: 8.0/10

For Avatar, in some ways, is like the Titanic. Again, the expectation for the end product was high. Even if the released material hitherto empolgasse, Cameron said it was a revolutionary work that could change the movie going forward. As for twelve years, many have ensured the failure of the film. Avatar, however, to summarize in one word, is breathtaking.
"Avatar" might just be the film most visually beautiful and spectacular of the century. Was originally architected to mid-90s, Cameron came to the conclusion that "Avatar" would have to wait a few more years so it could be implemented successfully and all of the mastery. And even though the director had such presence of mind and decided to wait. For with all the technology available today, Cameron made ​​"Avatar" a true cinematic wonder, worthy only of the most high praise.
All those who think that "Avatar" comes down to a show special effects thrown into the slashing and without any regard for narrative and depth of the underlying characters can now change your mind.

Personal Comment:

"Avatar" is close to being a perfect film. Unfortunately it is not and just for a mere details that affect the depth of the narrative. Perhaps it was to avoid such stereotypes attached to certain characters. However, to realize the time constraints of a movie that has almost 3 hours long and has to choose to cut some scenes perhaps important. Still, "Avatar" has no major flaws and it is assumed as a major cinematic events of the year, or even the decade.


Film: Mother
Year: 2009
Time: 128min
Rating: 7.9/10

Mother was shown in South Korea for an Oscar, but unfortunately got a place among the nominees.
The film begins with a woman dancing in the middle of a wheat field, descoordenadamente. Despite the comic, who plays the Bolero makes clear that this is not a funny story. That's a song for a desperate woman.
Hye-ja is a single mother of Do-joon, 27 years of age. His son is the reason for his life. Although an adult, Do-joon is naive and dependent on his mother, and sometimes behaves stupidly or simply dangerous. He is a constant source of anxiety for everyone.
A schoolboy was killed near a deserted house at dawn, and the main suspect is Do-joon (Won Bin). Everything indicates that the poor Do-joon is the culprit, but the maternal instinct says there is more behind this story.
There are more, and it's always good to pay attention to what we see, because images can be deceiving at first glance. Actually, is not that the pictures fool you - they are simply meaningless until we have the whole context.

Personal Comment:

Bong Joon-Ho is a brilliant director. Prints horror of his dramas or drama to its horrors in a balanced way, without fuss. And this film, he still manages to give us a huge scare viewers with its unexpected end, and very, very shocking. There was not a citizen even in movies that did not take her hand to her mouth to see the resolution of the story.

I left the theater in shock.

American Beauty

American Beauty
Year: 1999
Time: 122min
Rating: 8.5/10

Look closely ... the most talked about movie of the year. A funny, moving and shocking journey through life in suburban America.

well ... look closely at the advertising forties Lester Burnham and his ambitious wife, Carolyn, as their marriage and their lives slowly disintegrate. Lester's wife hates, despises his daughter Jane and his boss put him on the cutting line.

Look closely ... Lester decides to make some changes in your life. The more freedom he gets, the happier he is. But Lester will learn that total freedom is very expensive.

Look closely ... an acclaimed cast led by brilliant performances from Kevin Spacey as Lester and Annette Benning as Carolyn.

Anyway, needless to say nothing does it?

"American Beauty" is a drama critic and sarcastic questions and invokes the core values ​​and ideals that guide said the American dream.

Personal comment:

It's a film that remain today although there has been some years since its debut. It offers an innovative history that guided the way to works of the genre, as was the case of "Crash." Some feel that the movie was overrated by critics worldwide but the film offered by the company deserves, in my opinion, the success they had. I loved it.

Requiem for a Dream

Film: Requiem for a Dream
Year: 2000
Time: 102min
Rating: 8.4/10

It is an American film of 2000, the categories of drama, directed by Darren Aronofsky. Based on a book with the same name written by Hubert Selby Jr. and published in 1978, is a disturbing and shocking film about the world of addicts, where addiction is the main hero (the drug is pure, TV, or drugs) that conducts the film's characters to a search of the ideal world that is destroyed during the harsh reality of the work. It's a film very real, raw, devastating, extremely heavy and hard as it is not easy to see or to digest for many people.
It is a modern story, lived on the streets of Brooklyn, where they cross parallel experiences of four people who decide to seek a better life.
Seeks to involve us as much with the characters, so that further action movie leaves us completely stuck to the screen and waiting for the final. Final one that leaves us completely enraptured and unable to speak (although the whole film is quite disturbing, shocking and even sadistic), reflecting not only the film but in all reality that this entails.

Personal Comment:

The greatest asset of this film is its manufacture and assembly. Allows the viewer to feel uncomfortable with the sensations, feelings and anxieties experienced by each of the characters. This is your greatest asset, lead us to the limit.

An extremely sensory movie, a must for any lover of life. Because excellence is not an act but a habit.


Film: The HELP
Year: 2011
Time: 146min
Rating: 8.0/10

Dramatic film, which appeared in the book novel by Kathryn Stockett.
A movie is at least strange because it's serious problem of racism in the middle of the 60 Mississippi.
Its story is based on literary namesake bestseller Kathryn Stockett, and leads us to the Age of Civil Rights in the United States of America, where we find Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan (Emma Stone), a young college student who decides to write a book about african-American maids working for wealthy white families, those families who treat them like slaves. The book creates a wave of controversy, but also forms a strong bond of friendship between her and the maids who interviewed and that helped write the book and break all the rules of the social season.

Personal Comment:

Is a movie worthy. Tries to escape a heavier approach, preferring to cling to stereotypes rather tiresome but, ultimately, to get past your message. It is the highlight for Davis and Spencer in their performances, however.

The Notebook

Film: The Notebook
Year: 2004
Time: 123min
Rating: 7.9/10

Is based on the successful book by Nicholas Sparks, "The Notebook".
Is a true romance, one that does not bother betting on weak jokes of people falling to the ground etc..
The film shows a man who visits a woman in a nursing home every day to read to her. He always reads the same story. The story about a couple who falls in love.
The film focuses on the romance and the novel only, and succeed, for in no time we were bored (which is very difficult in a film of two hours, especially this kind), and never doubt the love of the protagonists. He cares about what matters, something that most new-romantic comedies is forgetting to tell a story that is really beautiful.
From the technical point of view, the film almost does not fail (except for the scene of war that they put in the middle of the movie with a horrible parallel editing). The photograph is very well done. We can see wonderful scenes, such as first, that Allie looks out the window, or the lake with the ducks. Overall, the visuals are beautiful.

Personal comment:

This movie surprised me. Not for the main story, among the young, but Gena Rowlands and James Garner that surprised me.
Best film of romance, I've seen. James Garner is just perfect. Film and water with sugar. Not spectacular, but it's worth a look ... It is not necessary if you do not like a good novel, but certainly the best choice of film to see with your girlfriend / boyfriend :)

Pulp Fiction

Film: Pulp Fiction
Year: 1994
Time: 154min
Rating: 9.0/10

A revolutionary film, perfect in every detail. Tarantino giving the world one of the best films ever made, and an excellent tribute to literature "pulp" of the 40s, mixing violence, gangsters, drugs and many expletives.
It is the narrative where several stories are told, unfolding simultaneously, and need not be necessarily a link between them. This type of narrative requires much knowledge of how to make and not very common because of the difficulty.
Mixing heavy themes such as drug trafficking and mafia gangsters, the script written by Tarantino himself mainly shows the daily lives of several characters: two hit men, a boxer and his girlfriend from the mafia boss that although we are not presented in order chronologically, are all interconnected and make us realize that violence seems to be so routine that became part of the day-to-day characters, who have already adopted the brutality as a way of life constant, and that killing people is no longer something painful to be just an order fulfilled.
As an independent production, winning numerous awards around the world, including the Palme d'Or at Cannes, Best Film at the MTV Movie Awards, the Golden Globe for Best Screenplay and several BAFTA nominations. Quentin Tarantino has been proven definitively by this film, becoming known and respected throughout the film. At the time, geniliadade director earned him an Oscar nomination for Best Director and his fantastic script full of nuances and situations fabulous writer Tarantino also took the stage to receive the Oscar statuette for Best Original Screenplay.

Personal comment:

One part I like best about this film is the classic scene where the character Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson), is a biblical quote. Simply a masterpiece of cinema cult:

"You read the bible Brett? Well, there's a passage I have memorized, and that fits well on this occasion: Ezekiel 25:17 ... The path of the righteous is surrounded on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil . Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will lead the weak through the valley of death, because he truly is the guardian and protector of children perdidos.E I will make them angry repreensõessobre with great vengeance those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And know that I am the Lord when shall lay my vengeance upon them. "


Film: Intouchables
Year: 2011
Time: 112min
Rating: 8.5/10

With some sincerity, French films do not call much attention. But this was an exception to the rule. The film portrays the lives junction completely opposite of each other!
After a paragliding accident, Philippe, a wealthy aristocrat, hired Driss, a youth of the suburbs, almost fresh out of prison, to assist in day to day, and that seems the least appropriate person for the job. Together they revive Vivaldi, recover "Earth Wind and Fire", the verb and the gate, the facts and the facts of classical training. Two worlds will intersect and integrate to give birth to a friendship so crazy, fun and strong and unexpected, a unique relationship that will produce sparks and make them true friends improbable.
With three awards won, including best actor, this movie is more of a partnership between Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano as authors and directors of a movie that will certainly be to the history of French film industry.

Personal Comment:

The film can not say more than LOVED, is so engaging and fun than a person to forget that they are speaking French! Attention nothing against this language!

I highly recommend! I think the synopsis did not need to be mentioned but here's a brief summary: two worlds so different, an unexpected friendship, real friends improbable! Movie based on a true story.

I Wish !

Film: I Wish ! (original title - Kiseki)
Year: 2011
Time: 128min
Rating: 7.6/10

A Japanese drama film written and created by Hirokazu Koreeda. It depicts the story of a boy of 12 who was separated from his brother because of the divorce of their parents. This guy believes that the bullet train service would create a miracle when two pass while at the same site. These two brothers dream of unity and reconciliation of the parents.
I can not leave my comment here because people have not yet viewed the film. Still not opened in my country but I'm definitely anxious to see it.


Film: Memento
Year: 2000
Time: 113min
Rating: 8.6/10

A film of mystery and drama that tells the story of a man suffering from memory loss short term. Leonard is an insurance investigator, with the memory disturbed due to an injury to have intervened when the murder of his wife.
Leonard's life has changed completely and now lives just chasing revenge: find and punish the man who killed his wife.
The difficulty of finding the killer comes from the fact that Leonard suffers from a rare and incurable loss of memory.
Although able to remembering moments before the accident, Leonard can not remember the last 15 minutes ... Where is ... Where will ... And why ...
To keep some memories, Leonard notes the important events of your life on pieces of paper and he even a few phrases and names tattooed on your body ...
A film that is a little confusing to start playing as much with the present and the past, but to a lover of good films is captivating.

Personal comment:

Is our memory that retains knowledge, information, ideas, events, meetings. And this makes us unique heritage, assuring us our personal identity. And if we associate to maintain the memory of the past, remember that it is thanks to this structure the memory and that can think and projecting the future.
Essential for survival, is the memory that enables us to where we need to update the information needed to meet the challenges of the medium. Memory that is because we have not landed a hand on a hot plate, not approaching a dangerous animal, which stopped at the red light, etc.. We learn to cope with the environment and is the memory that updates the learned behaviors appropriate to the situation.

Some memories are best forgotten....

American Psycho

Film: American Psycho
Year: 2000
Time: 102min
Rating: 7.5/10

For those who like films brooding head here is a good option: American Psycho. A drama and crime, adapted from a book with the same name.
The plot revolves around Patrick Bateman, a man of two facets: first, Patrick is a successful businessman, smart and elegant, works on Wall Street and has an almost perfect life, his personality shows the second side the young black entrepreneur, a side that Patrick is a bloodthirsty psychopath, addicted to killing. American Psycho's story shows us the comparison of these two facets, namely, when his side of psychopath begins to dominate the life of perfect calm and Bateman. Patrick is in constant emotional conflict. On the one hand his conscience warns you of the logical side of their immoral acts, but on the other hand, the desire, the desire to satisfy your pleasure of killing takes it further, making it thus removing the reason.

Personal comment:

I like Patrick Bateman and demented Christian Bale, as like his girlfriend Reese Witherspoon totally east of the true "I" that. Not even anything like the disastrous conclusion of the genus' after it was all a hallucination. "It summarizes what Harron did, after all, the book by Ellis: a partial castration feminist bias.
More I can not say, is for you to discover, but I can say that this film has a great ending that could raise more than a series of questions for us here. However, this too will leave it to your two sides clash in!

OldBoy Film

OldBoy (original title - Oldeuboi)
Year: 2003
Time: 120min
Rating: 8.4/10

Oldboy, a Korean drama movie. Oh Dae-su (Choi Min-sik) is a common man, happily married and father of a girl of three years, which is taken to a police station for being drunk. On leaving he calls home from a phone booth and then vanishes, dexando track just as the birthday present she had bought for her daughter. Shortly after he sees a strange being in prison, which is actually a hotel room where there's only a TV connected, which receives little food on the door and breathe a gas that makes you sleep daily. Through the TV news he discovers he's the prime suspect in the brutal murder of his wife, which makes suicide attempt. Without success, he begins to adapt to the darkness of your room and prepare your body and your mind to survive the punishment being required to work without knowing why.
Not everything is what it seems!

- Won the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

Personal Comment:

You know that when this final start to fit the pieces and you realize how sinister is the final revelation, can you just repeat: "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Louder and louder until finally you have your suspicions confirmed, only to then cover her mouth in shock? Well, "Old Boy" is that kind of movie.